Love this visual comparison! My rhythm has been freelance/solopreneurship for the past 8 years, and I’m still continually experimenting with work cadence and schedules. I’ve been blessed to be busy with client work so it warrants a need to establish boundaries and a tempo that suit me best. I want to take full advantage of the gift that is working for oneself and getting to make these choices. This year I’m exploring how the seasons can influence how much I say yes to, and also experimenting with a 4-day work week for my client related work.
Thanks for sharing Sarah! Definitely can resonate with the challenge that often comes with freelancing, in trying to find a rhythm when there is no defined one. I think that's the beauty, but also hard bit about it :) You can, but also must be much more intentional with defining what's enough and how work can be designed in alignment, and around, how you want your life to look like! Love the to 4-day work week for client related work, I've also been doing that for a while and find it so so wonderful, gives me a total different sense of permission of how I spend my 5th day.
Love this visual comparison! My rhythm has been freelance/solopreneurship for the past 8 years, and I’m still continually experimenting with work cadence and schedules. I’ve been blessed to be busy with client work so it warrants a need to establish boundaries and a tempo that suit me best. I want to take full advantage of the gift that is working for oneself and getting to make these choices. This year I’m exploring how the seasons can influence how much I say yes to, and also experimenting with a 4-day work week for my client related work.
Thanks for sharing Sarah! Definitely can resonate with the challenge that often comes with freelancing, in trying to find a rhythm when there is no defined one. I think that's the beauty, but also hard bit about it :) You can, but also must be much more intentional with defining what's enough and how work can be designed in alignment, and around, how you want your life to look like! Love the to 4-day work week for client related work, I've also been doing that for a while and find it so so wonderful, gives me a total different sense of permission of how I spend my 5th day.
Have long been intrigued by the intersection of musical thinking and work life. Mused a little on the rhythms of the year here: